Original Article was posted on 05 Sep 2021

Confusion is a dangerous phenomenon. A confused mind can do no good, either for oneself or others. Be it a Surgeon or a Murderer, confused hands spoil the game everywhere. Presently, the world political fraternity is going through a Confused state. And India is no exception to this. 

The United States of America is a War Dealer of the World. It never stopped being in a war in the near past. And Pakistan has always been its Hyna in the Middle East. Wherever the US started a war, Pakistan helped them in every aspect – to create the war situation, to bring the US into that war, create targets for the US to kill and arranging kill sites for the US, Pakistan did it all. 

Now the two-decade-long war in Afghanistan is finished as the US realised that despite putting boots on the ground, it’s better to use a fraction of the Afghans to continue the War business on their behalf. So they handed it over to the Taliban and gave them US-made weapons for free. It’s like “Use it, be habituated and then pay” kind of a scheme. But along came problems named Panjshir and ISIS Khorasan. 

The US maintains one thing very religiously. They don’t attack until they are harmed directly. So, one Hammer-Head ISIS terrorist blasts himself off killing some US soldiers and ISIS-K claimed responsibility also through unknown sources, which the US vowed to avenge. And very next moment they did so by bombing the “MasterMind”. ‘How and When did the US know’ is a question the whole world forgot to ask. They allegedly killed the unidentified MasterMind. And a new foe of the US was born. But for Panjshir it was not feasible for the US to do the same as by doing so, the world would come to know that the US is cleansing the enemies of the Taliban showing lame excuses. Now the US sent almost 7500 soldiers to Pakistan, who are staying in Pakistan hotels for the last one week or so. The purpose is another war and this time it’s against the TTP in the name of ISIS-K and proxy against the NRF via Pakistan.

Why ISIS-K and the NRF

The ISIS-K is a known enemy of the Taliban. In 2020, the US, the Taliban and the Afghan Force jointly destroyed the ISIS-K. “The Deal” between the US and the Taliban could be inked only after a successful mission of destroying the ISIS-K. 

The NRF is die-hard Afghans who openly blames Pakistan for the chaos in Afghanistan. The Bagdakhan province, which is a gateway for the ETIM to enter China, comes under the NRF. The NRF, being the enemy of Pakistan and China, can encourage the ETIM in future. 

Pakistan has recently asked the Taliban to force TTP fighters to surrender their arms in exchange for amnesty. The Taliban responded that it would not hand over TTP members but would pressure them to hold peace talks with the Pakistani government. A high-ranking Tehreek-i-Taliban-Pakistan commander said that the Taliban’s leverage was limited. “If the Afghan Taliban tried to force the TTP, then its commanders can join ISIS-K”. The TTP has nearly 6000 fighters(a new name for ‘terrorists’ started by the world media) inside Afghanistan, who are fighting for the Afghan Taliban, Once their agenda in Afghanistan is fulfilled, they will turn towards Pakistan, the butler of the US and China.

The US soldiers in Pakistan are there only to eliminate the TTP, provide pinpointed locations of the NRF Fighters and chalk out a plan for the Pakistani soldiers to attack and destroy the Panjshir Resistance. It is the US who directed the ISI chief to visit Kabul and try meddling in the power-sharing infights between the Taliban and Pakistan’s home-grown Haqqani Network. The US does not want the Taliban to be heckle-free. Mullah Baradar, who spent 08 long years in a Pakistani jail could very well react to his jailtime memories after becoming the President of Afghanistan. So, in my opinion, Mullah Baradar becoming the President is also uncertain. A different name from the Talib fraction may be chosen for the Afghan Chair. 

The Politicians of the world know this. But they are confused, whether to act or be a spectator. This stance may avoid many immediate problems. But, in the long run, all those who are letting these wicked pair do anything they want in the Middle East, will suffer. And India will be the first one to experience the cost of confusion in the foreseeable future. 

India could have stood beside Panjshir, at least after Pakistan openly intervened. If India took to the spectators stand keeping Kashmir in mind, then Pakistan helping the Taliban in defeating Panjshir will also affect Kashmir. The Taliban has to return the favour to Pakistan by doing something of their choice. We all know what Pakistan wants.

The above article is my analysis of the Afghan Crisis. Readers views may differ. Decent opposition is welcome.

By Anindya Nandi

Anindya Nandi is a Veteran of the Indian Navy. An IT graduate from Mumbai University, Served the Navy for 15 years from 1996 to 2011. Took part in Operation Talwar (Kargil War) and was in a support team during Operation Parakram. Visited 12 foreign nations while serving as a part of Indian goodwill visit to Foreign Countries. Trained in Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defence and Damage Control activities Including Fire Safety. Keen to observe geopolitical developments and analyze them with his own opinion.

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