In recent months, the small town of Sandeshkhali in West Bengal has found itself thrust into the spotlight due to a series of heinous crimes against local women. Shocking revelations surfaced following a raid at the residence of Sheikh Shahajahan, shedding light on a harrowing narrative of violence and exploitation. The Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) subsequent arrest of Shahajahan has sent ripples through the community, leaving many grappling with the aftermath of these atrocities.

However, amidst the chaos and outcry, a new dimension has emerged, casting doubt on the veracity of the accusations levelled against local Trinamool Congress (TMC) leaders. Recent investigations, including a sting operation targeting Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) officials, have unveiled a startling truth buried beneath the layers of political intrigue.

The crux of the matter lies in events dating back to 2021, following the announcement of poll results in West Bengal. The state was gripped by a wave of post-election violence, with incidents targeting BJP supporters prevalent throughout the region. The incidents which are being claimed to have happened now in 2024, actually happened in 2021, after the poll results were declared. The State BJP Mahila Morcha protested and many leaders visited Sandeshkhali, Minakha and a few more places for reports regarding this kind of incident. Amidst this turbulent landscape, a particularly egregious case in Sandeshkhali and Minakha caught the attention of BJP strategists, who saw its potential to sway public opinion in their favour. They knew that these incidents would attract support for BJP from all over the country. But getting countrywide support for a heinous crime would not have benefited BJP in 2021. So they somehow managed to depress the issue in the media and saved it for 2024.

Recognizing the potency of this narrative, BJP leaders opted to bide their time, strategically reserving the revelation for future political gain. Much like how a portion of the potato harvest is set aside for cold storage, to be released at a time of greater demand, the information about the Sandeshkhali incident was preserved for a more opportune moment—a moment where it could be wielded to maximum effect.

Fast forward to 2024, and the political landscape has evolved. The incident, once a poignant symbol of injustice, has now been weaponized as a tool for partisan agendas. In a bid to resurrect its potency, BJP operatives resorted to fabricating false cases and disseminating propaganda, breathing new life into a narrative that had long since faded from public consciousness.

It is a known fact that if you provoke a group of stray dogs, they’ll bite you. BJP, too, understood this principle well. Hence, to frame the events of 2021 as recent occurrences, they orchestrated a raid on Seikh Shahajahan’s residence without prior investigation or information. Not content with mere intrusion, ED officials proceeded to vandalize Shahajahan’s locked residence, goading him into an outraged response. Shahajahan, falling prey to BJP’s trap, reacted by attacking the ED officials—a reaction that was conveniently captured by bought-out media outlets. With this incident as their ammunition, BJP easily peddled fake claims of rape perpetrated by Shahajahan’s associates, successfully capturing the attention of the populace.

The sad part is that the women, who tolerated the torture and were compelled to suppress their anger till the right time came, are facing the heat as they are now being questioned for filling fake cases in 2024. Cases which were true in 2021.

However, the truth, as it often does, refuses to remain concealed. Beneath the veneer of political expediency lies a more nuanced reality—one where the lines between fact and fiction blur, and the victims of these atrocities are relegated to mere pawns in a larger game of power and influence.

It is essential, now more than ever, to confront this reality with sobriety and discernment. The plight of Sandeshkhali’s women cannot be reduced to a mere footnote in the annals of political history. Their stories, marred by tragedy and injustice, demand a reckoning—one that transcends the confines of partisan rhetoric and political expediency.

As the dust settles on this sordid chapter, one thing remains abundantly clear: the pursuit of justice cannot be subjugated to the whims of political opportunism. Only by confronting the uncomfortable truths that lie at the heart of this saga can we hope to honour the dignity and resilience of those who have suffered in its wake.

By Anindya Nandi

Anindya Nandi is a Veteran of the Indian Navy. An IT graduate from Mumbai University, Served the Navy for 15 years from 1996 to 2011. Took part in Operation Talwar (Kargil War) and was in a support team during Operation Parakram. Visited 12 foreign nations while serving as a part of Indian goodwill visit to Foreign Countries. Trained in Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defence and Damage Control activities Including Fire Safety. Keen to observe geopolitical developments and analyze them with his own opinion.

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