The dice were turned overnight or had already been turned earlier, only a little formality was left, that too has been completed last evening on gun-point. The Taliban sat on the Throne of Kabul, Afghan President Ghani fled Afghanistan. The whole world is engaged in analyzing how fast only a few thousand Taliban terrorists defeated 352 thousand Afghan Army and now they are taking their selfies sitting on the chair of President Ghani. This article is very important for those who are moved by this news.

Today we all know that Talibani ‘Fighters’ (The Liberal Media and Hypocrite Journalists call them Fighters and not Terrorists) have gained control over all of Afghanistan. Many question-answer sessions are being telecast from all over the world, the script is being written, how will the Taliban perform, what will the situation of Afghani women be, where will the fleeing Afghans go etc. But there is no discussion on why only the US, Canada and India are providing shelters for the fleeing Afghans but Muslim countries are not providing any. Maybe, After some time, pictures and videos of dead Afghan children will be thrown at Digital and Print Media all over the World. Non-Islamic countries will be moved by those pictures and videos, and, these refugees will get refuge in those countries.

There is no friendship between two countries, there is no kinship, only own interest binds two countries. If that is disturbed, relations between two countries can be gone overnight. India and Russia were Friends, but, as soon as India moved towards the USA and other European countries for their defence deals, Russia moved towards Pakistan. So, from here onwards Afghanistan will be a friend of Pakistan because the Taliban is taking arms from China via Pakistan with silent support from Russia.

World Liberal Media is now busy blaming the US and Joe Biden for the Afghan debacle. They are doing it to safeguard the Troika, Russia-China-Pakistan. The USA came to Afghanistan 20yrs ago. They came here to get Osama-Bin-Laden. They killed Osama and stayed in Afghanistan. They trained Afghan Army, they gave them both Arms and Alms. Only a few thousand American soldiers were fighting the Taliban effectively for 20 years. But, almost 350 thousand Afghan Army and 100 thousand other security forces could not stop the Taliban even for a month. Then who is at fault? Afghan National Army had 167 Aircraft/helicopters, whereas the Taliban didn’t have any. ANA is a $5 Billion Army, in front of a few thousand Taliban terrorists. But they failed. Because they never fought with full capacity. In reality, the ANA has a Talibani mentality too. They were soft against the Taliban.

The People of Afghanistan too had sympathetic views towards the Taliban. Otherwise, the Taliban wouldn’t have been able to capture village after village, state after state without even firing a bullet. Today those people are fleeing Afghanistan who themselves brought this menace to power with constant nurturing throughout the American Years. This is a common Islamic mentality. They all have this kind of Sharia Mentality deep down. They all support the Taliban deep inside their Head. In 1962, China captured almost half of the Indian state Arunachal Pradesh. But the Chinese Army could not stay back in Arunachal Pradesh as the common people didn’t support them. The people started a big fightback with the Army of China. They could not hold ground in Arunachal Pradesh. But there was no resistance from the Afghan locals against the Taliban. If there was any, that was too small to matter.

Not one among the 56 Islamic countries has spoken anything against the Taliban. The organization of Islamic Cooperation issued a statement saying that it is worried about the crisis in Afghanistan but never spoke a word against the Taliban. Liberals worldwide didn’t spend a word against the Taliban. Yes, they are showing their atrocities for you and me to watch. So that Non-Islamic countries open their borders for the Afghanis and create another Germany of 2015-16. Greta-Rihana-Mias are not tweeting a word against the Taliban as their Human-Rights-Activism is now hibernating. No mullah-Maulvis have issued any Fatwa against the Taliban. No one said that it is Terrorism. Because Terrorism has no Religion but the Taliban has. Aligarh Muslim University or the Jamia Milia University has not protested against atrocities against Muslims, as they did when Israel was fighting with Palestine. Iran, the Shia Muslim country, which used to consider the Taliban as its enemy, is standing with the Taliban today. Pakistan is an Islamic country, but it is also not allowing Afghan soldiers and refugees to enter. Uzbek and Tajikistan both are Islamic countries. But they did not allow the Afghan Army and Afghan Refugees to cross their borders.

Left Liberals are conspiringly silent on this. Those who shed tears of blood for the Gaza strip and Rohingyas are now hiding in holes. They’ll only come out to question countries like India on ‘why India did not respond to Afghani request for Army deployment’ once the situation becomes a bit talkable. They’ll question Modi and try to put Modi in the same place as Biden. They may even publish a cover page article in magazines like Time with a quoted caption “Killer of Afghanistan” in near future. But they’ll not question the Taliban. How would they, the Taliban’s strategy and the way Taliban captured power is the same strategy the Communists took when they overthrew the Govt of Cuba, Russian Zar or the Chinese Govt of Chiang-Kai-Shek. The 100 yr old Communist strategy of overthrowing governments has been applied by the Taliban today. So they are silent. Rather, they are praising the Taliban as they are “wearing masks”. They are praising the Taliban as “they are not taking over Kabul by force. They allowed people to flee”. It is like when you put religion with communist extremism, it becomes Taliban Or you can say when the Taliban sheds away the religion, it becomes Communist Extremist. They are two sides of the same coin, only embossed graphics are different.

The communists have an alliance with Islamic terrorism because both are enemies of society. Both have a Talibani mentality. The Army which was trained for 20 years, scattered like a pack of cards. Many states have surrendered to the Taliban without fighting. The responsibility is not upon the USA or India or any other country for that matter. It is the responsibility of the people of Afghanistan. From where did the Afghan Taliban terrorists bring their weapons and money, they have got the support of the 56 countries and the Talibani mentality of a common Islamic person. Their society is not unhappy with the occupation of the Taliban. They want this. If you are thinking of differing me on this point, then just imagine making a Hindu or Buddhist or Jewish extremist organisation like Baghdadi, Osama or Molla Baradar did. See how many people join, how many people stand with you, but if a Baghdadi stands, then the fighters come from every corner of the World, Osama bin Laden gets thousands of ‘fighters’ for his agenda. Anyone who stands and declares that he wants to fight for the establishment of Sharia gets Funds and Fighters not only from his own country but also from Syria, Iraq, Europe and also from countries like India to carry forward the Talibani mentality or to stand with ISIS. Because this is what is right in their eyes, they consider the Taliban to be the right of Islam.

Now, this is only the First Chapter of the book. The next chapter will be on How good the New Taliban is, the next one will criticise the Taliban, next one may seek refuge for Afghanis in Non-Islamic countries by blaming the Non-Islamic countries for their hatred towards Muslims. This goes on.

By Anindya Nandi

Anindya Nandi is a Veteran of the Indian Navy. An IT graduate from Mumbai University, Served the Navy for 15 years from 1996 to 2011. Took part in Operation Talwar (Kargil War) and was in a support team during Operation Parakram. Visited 12 foreign nations while serving as a part of Indian goodwill visit to Foreign Countries. Trained in Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defence and Damage Control activities Including Fire Safety. Keen to observe geopolitical developments and analyze them with his own opinion.

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